Top 10 Wedding Signage Trends for 2024

Top 10 Wedding Signage Trends for 2024

Wedding signage continues to evolve, offering couples creative ways to personalize their big day and ensure smooth navigation for their guests. As we move through 2024, several exciting trends are emerging in the world of wedding signage. From bold colors to sustainable materials, these trends reflect current aesthetics and values. Let’s explore the top 10 wedding signage trends for 2024.

Bold Colors and Modern Typography

Gone are the days of plain white signs with basic fonts. In 2024, bold colors and modern typography are making a statement. Vibrant hues like deep greens, rich blues, and even pops of neon are being used to create eye-catching signs. Modern fonts, including sleek sans-serifs and stylish scripts, add a contemporary touch to these vibrant designs. Pair that with unique cuts and shapes for your signage and you have a winner! Browse our custom shape signage here.

Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Materials

With increasing awareness of environmental impact, many couples are opting for sustainable signage materials. Recycled wood, reclaimed metals, and biodegradable options are popular choices. Eco-friendly inks and plant-based paints are also being used to reduce the carbon footprint of wedding decor. Organic 100% natural materials such as linen fabrics are also a great option.

Acrylic and Neon Signs

Acrylic signs have been trending for a few years and continue to be popular in 2024. Their versatility allows for clear, colored, or frosted finishes, often with elegant calligraphy or modern fonts. Neon signs are also making a splash, adding a fun and retro vibe to weddings. Custom neon signs with the couple's names or favorite quotes can double as unique decor pieces.

Minimalist Designs

Minimalism remains a strong influence in wedding decor. Clean lines, simple color palettes, and understated elegance are key elements. Minimalist signs often feature monochromatic designs with subtle embellishments, focusing on clarity and sophistication. At Custom Boards Toronto, we offer a wide variety of minimal designs in our welcome signs, seating charts & bar signs.


Floral and Greenery Accents

Incorporating floral and greenery accents into signage design is a beautiful way to blend signs with the overall wedding decor. Whether it’s a welcome sign framed with fresh flowers or table numbers adorned with eucalyptus, these natural elements add a romantic and organic touch.

Mirrored and Metallic Finishes

Mirrored signs bring a touch of glamour and elegance to wedding decor. They can be used for welcome signs, seating charts, or even bar menus. Metallic finishes, especially in gold, silver, and rose gold, are also trending. These reflective surfaces add a luxurious feel to any wedding setting. We offer acrylic mirror finishes in Gold, Silver & Rose Gold. 

Personalized Illustrations and Portraits

Custom illustrations and portraits on wedding signs are a unique way to showcase the couple’s personality. These can range from caricatures to more refined illustrations of the couple, their pets, or even the wedding venue. Personalized art adds a bespoke touch that guests will remember.

Boho and Rustic Elements

The boho and rustic wedding themes remain popular, and so does the associated signage style. Look for signs made of natural wood, macramé hangers, and hand-lettered designs. These elements create a warm and inviting atmosphere, perfect for outdoor and barn weddings.

Multi-Language Signs

For couples with diverse backgrounds or international guest lists, multi-language signs are becoming increasingly common. These signs can feature multiple languages side by side, ensuring that all guests feel welcomed and included. This trend reflects the growing importance of cultural inclusivity in weddings.


The wedding signage trends for 2024 reflect a blend of bold aesthetics, sustainable practices, and personalized touches. Whether you’re drawn to vibrant colors, eco-friendly materials, or minimalist designs, there’s a trend that will fit your wedding vision perfectly. By incorporating these trends into your wedding signage, you can create a memorable and visually stunning experience for your guests.

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