Arch Wedding Welcome Sign + Arch Wedding Seating Chart

Expert Tips for Displaying Your Wedding Signs

Wedding signage plays a crucial role in guiding guests, enhancing the decor, and adding a personal touch to your special day. However, simply having beautiful signs is not enough; you need to know how to display them effectively. In this post, we'll provide practical advice on how to ensure your wedding signs are perfectly placed, highly visible, and aesthetically pleasing.

Understand Your Venue Layout

Before deciding where to place your signs, familiarize yourself with the venue layout. Identify key areas where signs will be most beneficial, such as entrances, ceremony and reception locations, restrooms, and any other significant spots.

Prioritize Visibility

Ensure your signs are easily visible to all guests. Avoid placing signs too high or too low; they should be at eye level. For larger venues or outdoor spaces, use larger signs or place them in areas where they will naturally catch attention, such as near walkways or main gathering spots.

Use Appropriate Signage Types

Different types of signs serve different purposes. Directional signs should be clear and simple, while welcome signs and seating charts can be more elaborate. Ensure that the font size and style are easy to read from a distance, especially for essential information.

Coordinate with Your Wedding Theme

Your signage should complement the overall theme and color scheme of your wedding. For a cohesive look, use matching fonts, colors, shapes and materials across all signs. This attention to detail will tie your decor together seamlessly.

Leverage Natural Backdrops and Structures

Use existing structures at your venue to your advantage. Hang signs on walls, fences, or trees, or prop them against columns or gates. This not only saves on setup time but also ensures your signs are secure and won't be easily knocked over.

Consider Lighting

Good lighting is essential for sign visibility, especially for evening or indoor weddings. Use spotlights, fairy lights, or candles to illuminate your signs. This adds a romantic ambiance while ensuring that the signs can be seen clearly.

Secure Your Signs

Ensure that your signs are securely placed to prevent them from falling or getting damaged. Use sturdy stands, easels, or frames, and consider the weather conditions if your wedding is outdoors. For windy days, use weighted bases or attach signs to solid structures. At Custom Boards Toronto, we offer stand backing easels (pictured below) that come completely flat at attached to the back of your sign (for easy handling & transportation), that is created when you get to your venue. It ensures the signage will free-stand upright without leaning against something or falling over. This stand option comes with all our welcome signs, seating charts, and custom shapes + bundle options. 

Personalize Your Signage

Personal touches make your wedding unique. Incorporate elements like your wedding hashtag, favorite quotes, or meaningful symbols into your signs. Personalized signs not only guide guests but also tell your love story.

Don’t Overdo It

While signage is important, too many signs can be overwhelming and cluttered. Be selective and strategic about where and how many signs you use. Focus on key areas where signs will provide the most benefit.

Test Before the Big Day

Do a trial run before your wedding day. Place the signs as you intend to on the actual day and walk through the venue to ensure they are visible and effective. Make any necessary adjustments to placement or visibility.


Effective wedding signage enhances the guest experience and adds a beautiful, personalized touch to your wedding decor. By following these expert tips, you can ensure that your signs are not only functional but also a stunning addition to your special day.

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